HBOT Conversations

HBOT Conversations Ep 5 | Dr. Harch - TBI's

HBOT News Season 1 Episode 5

Host Edward di Girolamo speaks with world renowned HBOT expert, Dr. Paul G. Harch on treating Traumatic Brain Injuries and PTSD with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

di Girolamo starts the conversation telling a story about him, Sergeant Major Simon Lemay and retired Navy Captain Jim Hooker visiting the Durham VA, near Duke Hospital, in North Carolina. They had a sit-down meeting with three heads of the Psychiatry group at Veteran Affairs. They asked the question, “Does traumatic brain injury involve any sort of inflammation?” and the response they received was, “Next thing you’re going to tell me is that hyperbaric oxygen is good for every indication. And that’s when I glaze over and say I’m not interested in talking about it.” di Girolamo shakes his head at the negligence; and vocalizes his frustration that this powerful, natural anti-inflammatory treatment exists in hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and the VA won’t even consider learning more about the benefit of using it on veterans with a traumatic brain injury.

Harch agrees that the VA is completely oblivious to the evidence that HBOT works to treat inflammation and that inflammation absolutely exists as a result of PTSD and TBI. He explains that hyperbaric oxygen is highly effective for neurological applications, and it’s most effective in white matter diseases such as brain decompression illness, traumatic brain injury, and even in cases like multiple sclerosis and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Veteran suicides are a growing number that we must get under control. di Girolamo gives praise that at least the North Carolina Legislature acknowledged HBOT as an effective treatment for PTSD and TBI. Under Senate Bill 442 they allocated $150,000 to help veterans get 40 or more Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatments. These veterans are improving like never before, lives are being saved and stories are being told.  They are finally getting their lives back, thanks to the power of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy!

But, how will HBOT help the average person – sport athlete, car accident victim, etc – with a concussion or TBI?  Dr. Harch refers to the brain like a head of broccoli sitting on its stem. If it’s shaken on the stem, then the torque forces cause the flimsy white matter tracks to be damaged and many of them can then divide, resulting in the formation of wounds. Essentially a bruise is formed on the brain…. and inflammation is present, even years later. But, when we expose that area to oxygen and pressure you now get gene stimulation, inhibition of inflammation, and stimulation of repair and growth of tissue. You start growing new axons, or nerve fibers, which is the cable transmission of neurons in the brain.

Dr. Harch stresses that if you or someone you know has recently had a brain injury, please find a hyperbaric facility as soon as possible.  If done early enough, the brain does not need too many HBOT treatments to repair itself; but if you wait years, when you’re still having headaches and other post-concussive syndrome symptoms, it could take 40 or more HBOT treatments to reverse the damage. Dr. Harch exclaims with confidence that HBOT is a “Slam Dunk” for TBI and PTSD recovery and 99% of the time it will absolutely help every patient who comes through his doors.